Education Background:
Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science), 2010, The University of Manchester, UK
M.Eng. (Chemical Engineering), 2003, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok (KMITNB), THAILAND
B.Eng. (Chemical Engineering), 2001, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok (KMITNB), THAILAND
Professional Experiences:
2020 - Present Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, KMUTNB, Thailand.
2014 - 2020 Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, KMUTNB, Thailand.
2003 - 2014 Full-time lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, KMUTNB, Thailand.
Interested Research Areas:
- Fuel Cell Technology
- Membrane for Fuel Cell Application
- Biomass to Liquid Technology
- Biofuel Conversion
Research Project:
- Development of Nafion-Mordenite Composite Membrane for the Improvement of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell (DEFC) Performance, Main Researcher, TRF, 2012-2013
- Technology Development for Deoxygenation of Bio-oil Using Reactive Distillation under the Cooperation with JICA for the Innovation on Production and Automobile Utilization of Biofuels from Non-Food Biomass, Researcher, MTEC, 2011-2012
- The Production of Synthesis Gas derived from Natural Gas via Catalytic Reforming over Catalyst in Modified Packed Bed Reactor, Researcher, PTT, 2011-2012
- Bio oil upgrading over heterogeneous catalysts using hydrotreatment technique, Researcher, Royal Thai Air Force, 2011 - 2012
- Fabrication and Testing of Refrigeration System for a Movable Raw Milk Container, Researcher, NSTDA, 2002
Selected Publications:
- Optimisation of a sorption-enhanced chemical looping steam methane reforming process, J. Powell, S. Wongsakulphasatch, R. Kokoo, N. Noppakun, C. Prapainainar, M.A.A. Aziz, S. Assabumrungrat, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 173, September 2021, Pages 183-192
- Review of green diesel production from fatty acid deoxygenation over Ni-based catalysts, N. Hongloi, P. Prapainainar, C. Prapainainar, Molecular Catalysis, Available online 17 June 2021, 111696, In Press
- Process intensification of biodiesel production with integrated microscale reactor and separator, T. Wijakmatee, N. Hemra, S. Wongsakulphasatch, P. Narataruksa, K. Cheenkachorn, C. Prapainainar, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Volume 164, July 2021, 108422
- Environmental impact assessment of bio-hydrogenated diesel from hydrogen and co-product of palm oil industry, B. Boonrod, P. Prapainainar, V. Varabuntoonvit, K. Sudsakorn, C. Prapainainar, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 17, 8 March 2021, Pages 10570-10585
- Detailed microkinetic modelling of syngas to hydrocarbons via Fischer Tropsch synthesis over cobalt catalyst, A. Theampetch, C. Prapainainar, S. Tungkamani, P. Narataruksa, T. Sornchamni, L. Árnadóttir, G.N. Jovanovic, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 48, 13 July 2021, Pages 24721-24741
- Properties and DMFC performance of nafion/mordenite composite membrane fabricated by solution-casting method with different solvent ratio, P. Prapainainar, Z. Du, A. Theampetch, C. Prapainainar, P. Kongkachuichay, S.M.Holmes, Energy, Volume 190, 1 January 2020, 116451
- Nickel catalyst with different supports for green diesel production, N. Hongloi, P. Prapainainar, A. Seubsai, K. Sudsakorn, C. Prapainainar, Energy, Volume 182, 1 September 2019, Pages 306-320
- Incorporating graphene oxide to improve the performance of Nafion-mordenite composite membranes for a direct methanol fuel cell, P. Prapainainar, N. Pattanapisutkun, C. Prapainainar, P. Kongkachuichay, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 44, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, Pages 362-378
- Modeling of a square channel monolith reactor for methane steam reforming, P. Inbamrung, T. Sornchamni, C. Prapainainar, S. Tungkamani, P. Narataruksa, G.N.Jovanovice, Energy, Volume 152, 1 June 2018, Pages 383-400
- Homogeneous polymer/filler composite membrane by spraying method for enhanced direct methanol fuel cell performance, P. Prapainainar, S. Maliwan, K. Sarakham, Z. Du, C. Prapainainar, S.M.Holmes, P. Kongkachuichay, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 43, Issue 31, 2 August 2018, Pages 14675-14690
- Design and preliminary operation of a hybrid syngas/solar PV/battery power system for off-grid applications: A case study in Thailand, S. Kohsri, A. Meechai, C. Prapainainar, P. Narataruks, P. Hunpinyo, G. Sine, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 131, March 2018, Pages 346-361
- One step NaBH4 reduction of Pt-Ru-Ni catalysts on different types of carbon supports for direct ethanol fuel cells: Synthesis and characterization, N. Sudachom, C. Warakulwit, C. Prapainainar, T. Witoon, P. Prapainainar, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2017, Pages 596-607
- Application of response surface methodology to optimize direct alcohol fuel cell power density for greener energy production, K. Charoen, C. Prapainainar, P. Sureeyatanapas, T. Suwannaphisit, K. Wongamornpitak, P. Kongkachuichay, S.M.Holmes, P. Prapainainar, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 142, Part 3, 20 January 2017, Pages 1309-1320
- Optimization of metal atomic ratio of PdxRuyNiz on carbon support for ethanol oxidation, K. Charoen, C. Warakulwit, C. Prapainainar, A. Seubsai, M. Chareonpanich, P. Prapainainar, Applied Surface Science, Volume 421, Part A, 1 November 2017, Pages 2-17
- Mordenite/Nafion and analcime/Nafion composite membranes prepared by spray method for improved direct methanol fuel cell performance, P. Prapainainar, Z. Du, P. Kongkachuichay, S.M.Holmes, C. Prapainainar, Applied Surface Science, Volume 421, Part A, 1 November 2017, Pages 24-41
- Evaluating the environmental impacts of bio-hydrogenated diesel production from palm oil and fatty acid methyl ester through life cycle assessment, B. Boonrod, C. Prapainainar, P. Narataruksa, A. Kantama, W. Saibautrong, K. Sudsakorn, T. Mungcharoen, P. Prapainainar, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 142, Part 3, 20 January 2017, Pages 1210-1221
- Surface modification of mordenite in Nafion composite membrane for direct ethanol fuel cell and its characterizations: Effect of types of silane coupling agent, C. Prapainainar, S. Kanjanapaisit, P. Kongkachuichay, S.M.Holmes, P. Prapainainar, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 2637-2646
- Techno-economic assessment of a heat-integrated process for hydrogenated renewable diesel production from palm fatty acid distillate, A. Kantama, P. Narataruksa, P. Hunpinyo, C. Prapainainar, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 83, December 2015, Pages 448-459
- Effect of solution casting temperature on properties of nafion composite membrane with surface modified mordenite for direct methanol fuel cell, P. Prapainainar, A. Theampetch, P. Kongkachuichay, N. Laosiripojana, S.M. Holmes, C. Prapainainar, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 271, 15 June 2015, Pages 63-73